Computer Controlled Cutting | |
Our computer controlled cutting equipment allows us to precise, repeatable cuts to any length and tight tolerances. We even offer specialized cutting services for hard to cut products like Kevlar and Teflon sleeving. Our high speed equipment means fast turn around, even on orders up wards of a million pieces. Our software database driven cutting information allows stored custom cutting requirements for any product or customer to be retrieved quickly and economically. |
Custom Coiling and Bundling | |
When necessary, cut pieces can be either
coiled, spooled or bundled to meet any specific customer
Coiling and spooling ensure the most efficient and space saving solution for storage and management of sleeving inventories. Material bundled in consistent quantities allows easy disbursement of cut pieces to assembly personnel in any production environment. |
Ultrasonic Cleaning | |
To accommodate strictly specified clean
room uses such as aerospace and biomedical, we can remove
any oils and residue accumulated on the material during
After cleaning, we will either bag or re-spool material on new, clean spools, using oil-free re-spooling equipment and individually wrap each spool to minimize any re-contamination of the material during transit. |
Heat Treating and Rounding | |
Heat treating and rounding the spooled
sleeving opens it up and “sets” it so that it remains open
along the entire length.
The sleeving retains all of it’s original properties, and installation is even easier for long runs of wire or cable. |
Splice Free Spooling | |
Some splices (joints) are normal during
the braiding process. Usually, not more than one or two
splices (joints) will be on any given spool.
Ordering splice-free (No joints) spools guarantees the maximum continuous yield on your spools. |
Packaging & Labeling | |
Spools, coils or bundles of cut pieces
can be labeled and packaged to specific customer
specifications. Customer part numbers, inventory control
bar-codes and product logos are just some of the standard
labeling options.
Orders can be shipped in bulk or against a shipping schedule to ensure consistent and timely product availability. |
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ß: ss à: a á: a â: a ã: a ä: a å: a æ: a ç: c è: e é: e ê: e ë: e ì: i í: i î: i ï: i ð: o ñ: n ò: o ó: o ô: o õ: o ö: o ø: o ù: u ú: u û: u ü: u ý: y ÿ: y œ: oe dm_talk_ajax_refresh_delay: 2000 dm_theming_themes: coolwater: name: Cool Water dir: themeCoolWater enabled: 1 dm_toolBar_flavour: blue dm_web_debug_config_fast_dump: 1 dm_web_debug_only_html_response: 1 dm_web_services_report_anonymous_data: 1 dm_web_services_version_check: 1 doctrine_model_builder_options: generateTableClasses: 1 baseClassName: myDoctrineRecord baseTableClassName: myDoctrineTable suffix: .class.php mod_dmfront_enabled: 1 mod_dmfront_view_class: sfPHP mod_main_enabled: 1 mod_main_view_class: sfPHP sf_admin_module_web_dir: /sfDoctrinePlugin sf_admin_web_dir: /sf/sf_admin sf_app: front sf_app_base_cache_dir: /home/techflex/diemSite/cache/front sf_app_cache_dir: /home/techflex/diemSite/cache/front/dev sf_app_config_dir: /home/techflex/diemSite/apps/front/config sf_app_dir: /home/techflex/diemSite/apps/front 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(array)# | type | message |
1 | dmFrontRouting | Match route "dmPage" (/:slug) for /techflex-braided-sleeving-products/capabilities/custom-cutting-and-bundling with parameters array ( 'module' => 'dmFront', 'action' => 'page', 'slug' => 'techflex-braided-sleeving-products/capabilities/custom-cutting-and-bundling',) |
2 | Doctrine_Connection_Mysql | exec : SET NAMES 'UTF8' - () |
3 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" |
4 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "dmRememberMeFilter" |
5 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "dmFrontInitFilter" |
6 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" |
7 | dmFrontActions | Call "dmFrontActions->executePage()" |
8 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d INNER JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d2.slug = ?) - (en, techflex-braided-sleeving-products/capabilities/custom-cutting-and-bundling) |
9 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.dm_layout_id AS d__dm_layout_id, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.template AS d2__template, d2.css_class AS d2__css_class FROM dm_page_view d LEFT JOIN dm_layout d2 ON d.dm_layout_id = d2.id WHERE (d.module = ? AND d.action = ?) - (main, customCuttingAndBundling) |
10 | dmFrontActions | Change template to "dmFront/page" |
11 | dmFrontActions | Change layout to "sf_app_dir/modules/dmFront/templates/layout" |
12 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.dm_layout_id AS d__dm_layout_id, d.type AS d__type, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.width AS d2__width, d2.css_class AS d2__css_class, d3.id AS d3__id, d3.module AS d3__module, d3.action AS d3__action, d3.css_class AS d3__css_class, d4.id AS d4__id, d4.lang AS d4__lang, d4.value AS d4__value FROM dm_area d LEFT JOIN dm_zone d2 ON d.id = d2.dm_area_id LEFT JOIN dm_widget d3 ON d2.id = d3.dm_zone_id LEFT JOIN dm_widget_translation d4 ON d3.id = d4.id AND ((d4.lang = ? OR d4.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.dm_layout_id = ? OR d.dm_page_view_id = ?) ORDER BY d2.position asc, d3.position asc - (en, en, 13, 109) |
13 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/dmFront/templates/pageSuccess.php" |
14 | main | Call "main->executeHeader()" |
15 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/main/templates/_header.php" |
16 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (en, 1) |
17 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (en, 67) |
18 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (en, 155) |
19 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (en, 192) |
20 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (en, 156) |
21 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (en, 157) |
22 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (en, 158) |
23 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d LEFT JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = ?)) WHERE (d.id = ?) - (en, 159) |
24 | main | Call "main->executeFooter()" |
25 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/main/templates/_footer.php" |
26 | sfPHPView | Decorate content with "sf_app_dir/modules/dmFront/templates/layout.php" |
27 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/dmFront/templates/layout.php" |
28 | dmJavascriptCompressor | Missing js : sf_root_dir/public_html/dmCorePlugin/lib/symfony/debug.js |
29 | dmJavascriptCompressor | Missing js : sf_root_dir/public_html/dmCorePlugin/lib/metadata/jquery.metadata.min.js |
30 | dmJavascriptCompressor | Missing js : sf_root_dir/public_html/dmCorePlugin/js/dmCoreConfig.js |
31 | dmJavascriptCompressor | Missing js : sf_root_dir/public_html/dmCorePlugin/js/dmCorePlugins.js |
32 | dmJavascriptCompressor | Missing js : sf_root_dir/public_html/dmCorePlugin/js/dmCoreCtrl.js |
33 | dmJavascriptCompressor | Missing js : sf_root_dir/public_html/dmFrontPlugin/js/dmFrontCtrl.js |
34 | dmJavascriptCompressor | Missing js : sf_root_dir/public_html/js/front.js |
35 | dmWebResponse | Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" |
36 | dmWebResponse | Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" |
type | calls | time (ms) | time (%) |
Configuration | 14 | 2.80 | 0 |
Factories | 1 | 714.06 | 68 |
Database (Doctrine) | 12 | 0.02 | 0 |
Action "dmFront/page" | 1 | 208.53 | 19 |
View "Success" for "dmFront/page" | 1 | 71.42 | 6 |
Component "main/header" | 1 | 0.01 | 0 |
Partial "main/_header" | 1 | 0.24 | 0 |
Component "main/footer" | 1 | 0.00 | 0 |
Partial "main/_footer" | 1 | 0.22 | 0 |
[Diem] dmAssetCompressor::process(js) | 1 | 0.53 | 0 |
SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.module AS d__module, d.action AS d__action, d.record_id AS d__record_id, d.credentials AS d__credentials, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level, d2.id AS d2__id, d2.slug AS d2__slug, d2.name AS d2__name, d2.title AS d2__title, d2.h1 AS d2__h1, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.keywords AS d2__keywords, d2.auto_mod AS d2__auto_mod, d2.is_active AS d2__is_active, d2.is_secure AS d2__is_secure, d2.is_indexable AS d2__is_indexable, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_page d INNER JOIN dm_page_translation d2 ON ((d.id = d2.id AND d2.lang = 'en')) WHERE (d2.slug = 'techflex-braided-sleeving-products/capabilities/custom-cutting-and-bundling')
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